Join Your New Hunting Community
Benefits of Membership
What does Membership get you?
(apart from a rifle range, a clubhouse and a bunch of new mates)
Hunter National Training Scheme (HUNTS) courses.
A national body to lobby government organisations to help protect your sport and firearm rights.
National photography, hunting, and shooting competitions.
Access to the exclusive NZDA App with great deals from JB Hifi, Noel Leeming, Torpedo7, and many more.
New Zealand Hunting and Wildlife magazine (online).
Monthly branch newsletters.
Branch party hunts.
Regular centre fire and rim fire shooting competitions at the local rifle range.
Escape from the suburban life into the New Zealand outdoors.
$10 million liability insurance with a $1 million extension under the Rural Fires Act including exemplary and punitive damages.

Membership Details
Membership is available for anyone aged 14 or over.
Membership Types:​
Senior – any member aged 18 years or older at the beginning of the financial year
Junior – any member aged 14 to 17 years at the beginning of the financial year
Family – a partner, child or grandchild of a senior member. Does not receive national newsletters.
Child or grandchild must be under 18 years of age at the beginning of the financial year (1 March).
Superannuant – a senior member entitled to National Superannuation.
Student – 18 years or older full time tertiary student. Must carry Student Identity Card valid for the whole year
Associate – A person who wishes to maintain an association with the Branch, but does not participate fully in Branch activities.
Associate members are able to participate in North Auckland Branch competitions, however they cannot enter National competitions. Associate members are also not covered by the NZDA liability insurance, do not receive the NZ Hunting & Wildlife magazine, and cannot sit on Branch or National committees.
Affiliate - If you are a full member of another NZDA branch, you can apply for affiliate membership. Affiliate members have all rights as for Senior or Superannuant members, including access to facilities and branch events. Affiliate members DO NOT pay capitation to the national association - they have already done so at their "home" branch.
Check the Calendar for a Club Night and visit us at our headquarters:
848 Coatesville - Riverhead Highway
Connect Over the Phone
Have a question about the club? Reach out to us at:
Tel: +64 9-123-4567